A message from The Leeds Kollel...............
It is a great honour for us to dedicate this year's learning לעלוי נשמת רחל בריינא בת יבלחט"א ר' דוד ע"ה, Mrs Rachel Brandeis ע"ה.
Mrs Brandeis was someone who, despite the challenges she and her family faced, lived her life with true אמונה ובטחון. Her צניעות and מדות טובות impressed all her family and friends.
Her husband and children that she has left behind are a true example of how a torahdig'e family looks like.
May all the Yom Hashas learning, and all the funds raised for החזקת התורה be a זכות for her נשמה and she should be a מליצה יושר for her dear family and friends.
We greatly appreciate your generosity. It will truly enhance and empower the Kollel on all fronts. May we only share בשורות טובות....
The Yom Hashas Team
Yiddi Brandeis לע"נ רחל בריינא ע"ה בת יבלחט"א ר' דוד